Fet In

The Frozen Embryo Transfer procedure in NYC involves thawing and then transferring the embryo into a woman’s uterus for hopeful pregnancy. Embryos are transferred to the uterus through a catheter. This frozen embryo transfer protocol does not require any anesthesia and is painless.

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  • IN-FET is the acronym of a European scientific project consortium, funded by the European Commission during 2020-2023. It stands for Ionic Neuromodulation For Epilepsy Treatment and brings together engineers, biologists, physicists, and neuroscientists to tackle the hard problem of repairing and treating the brain. Read here our kick-off press release.
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In a conventional IVF treatment cycle, multiple egg follicles (10 to 15) are typically produced through hyperstimulation of a woman’s ovaries resulting in the development of several high-quality embryos in vitro. Today’s standard practice of care is for only one or two fresh quality embryos to be transferred directly to the woman’s uterus for hopeful implantation into her uterine lining. This practice reduces the chances of multiple pregnancies.

To increase their chances of future pregnancies, many couples are preserving their embryos through embryo cryopreservation rather than undergoing multiple fresh IVF cycles. After a fresh IVF cycle, excess quality embryos are cryopreserved for future Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) procedures.

Single Embryo Transfers

The best fertility specialists at New Hope Fertility NYC promote the practice of Single Embryo Transfer (SET) to reduce health risks associated with multiple births. Cryopreservation of surplus embryos for future Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) procedures is encouraged by the fertility specialists at New Hope Fertility NYC – in lieu of repeated, expensive fresh IVF cycles.

Pioneering Vitrification Method of Freezing Embryos

The flash-freezing technique of vitrification makes it possible to ready fresh embryos rapidly for cryopreservation. Using the vitrification method, embryos freeze quickly and damaging ice crystals do not form between cells. New Hope Fertility NYC is a pioneer in embryo freezing. Dr. John Zhang was one of the first doctors in the United States to implement the vitrification method of embryo freezing.

  • Temperature of embryos drops from 98.6°F (37°C) to 320°F (-196°C) instantaneously
  • Cells are dehydrated prior to freezing
  • Protectants are used to help remove as much water as possible between cell formations
  • Harmful ice crystals are prevented from forming between cells
  • Survival rates for thawed embryos are as high as 99 percent – versus – 55 percent using the traditional freezing method
  • Flash freezing/thawing increases the chances of safely restoring the embryo to its original state
  • New Hope Fertility NYC offers more holistic IVF protocols requiring very little to no hyperstimulating fertility medications. These holistic protocols allow fertility specialists to enhance a woman’s natural egg production. This is our One Good Egg Policy: It only takes one healthy egg to become pregnant and have a baby.
    • Mini-IVF™
    • Natural Cycle™

Before a Frozen Embryo Transfer procedure, the woman’s uterus must be prepared to accept the embryo for implantation through hormone medications. Monitoring for the timing of an embryo’s transfer during a FET cycle is more flexible than in a fresh IVF cycle. The FET procedure is much less stressful for patients because the transfer date can be adjusted.

Hormone medication is administered to suppress the woman’s pituitary gland and reduce the chances of unexpected ovulation. Approximately two weeks of Lupron injections will be required before the Frozen Embryo Transfer procedure.

Hormone medication must be administered to duplicate the changes normally occurring within a woman’s uterus during a normal menstrual cycle. This step requires two medications in preparation for the Frozen Embryo Transfer: Estrogen and Progesterone.

Estrogen acts to thicken and mature the uterine lining – like the natural estrogen produced by a developing egg follicle during a normal menstrual cycle.

    • Transvaginal ultrasound for the doctor to evaluate the thickness of the uterine lining
    • Blood tests for the doctor to evaluate the level of estrogen in the blood

Progesterone is a medication administered to make the uterine lining receptive to the implantation of the embryo. Typically, progesterone is administered in a combination of suppository and injections. The regimen of progesterone administration completes the final stage of the Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) preparation process and sets the actual embryo transfer procedure in motion.

  • Progesterone matures the uterine lining
  • Progesterone creates a window of implantation in anticipation of a set Frozen Embryo Transfer date
  • Lupron injections are ceased upon the beginning of progesterone administration
  • Embryos are scheduled for thawing in the laboratory
  • Frozen Embryo Transfer is scheduled on a set date
  • Progesterone is continued daily to help prepare the patient’s uterine lining for implantation of the fertilized egg

The Frozen Embryo Transfer procedure is simple. It involves thawing and then transferring the embryo into a woman’s uterus for hopeful pregnancy. Embryos are transferred to the uterus through a catheter. This procedure is much like a pap smear, does not require any anesthesia, and is usually painless. The embryos are placed in a small amount of fluid inside the catheter, which is passed through the cervix at the time of a speculum examination.

You can read more about the frozen embryo transfer procedure on the New Hope Fertility Center Blog. We also frequently report on the health and cost-effectiveness of single embryo transfers in the practice of IVF.

Do you have questions about Frozen Embryo Transfer in NYC? Would you like to schedule an appointment with fertility doctor John Zhang of New Hope Fertility? Please contact our Midtown Manhattan fertility clinic.

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FET In Iran

Best FET clinic in Iran

More than 2500 Iranian and foreign patients are going under FET treatment in Iran each year. FET treatment in Iran is on top of the middle-east regarding its skilled specialists and surgeons. Here are the best hospitals for FET in Iran:

  • Royan Clinic
  • Ebne Sina Clinic

FET cost in Iran

There is a significant difference between the cost of FET in Iran and other countries. The most important factors for the low price of it in Iran are:

  • A large number of FET hospitals in Iran
  • A large number of applicants for FET in Iran

Fet Inc

FET cost in Iran varies depending on the surgery and the hospital. An average cost of FET in Iran is

FET cost in Iran in comparison with other countries

Best FET surgeon in Iran

More than 24.000 fertility treatments are being performed each year in Iran. Experienced Iranian doctors with an excellent record are performing the operations. One of the most important factors for choosing a good surgeon for FET in Iran is the doctor has done many FET surgeries.

Why should you travel to Iran for a FET?

Many patients travel to Iran for a FET. One of the reasons for this matter is Iranian specialists and surgeons who have high surgery success rates.

  • low cost of FET in Iran
  • low cost of accommodation in Iran
  • Well experienced doctors
  • The high number of FET in Iran

Diagnostic and surgical centres accordant with today's European standards are performing the highest quality operations in Iran. Another reason for ICSI in Iran is its lower cost compared to other countries.

How long should I stay for FET in Iran?

About FET

Frozen embryo transfer, also known as FET, is a procedure in which a post frozen embryo, from a previous fresh IVF cycle, is transferred to a prepared uterus in order to have a baby.
At least 50 million couples experience infertility problems in their marriage. Infertility treatments developed so fast in recent years and it helped many couples to have a normal baby and be happy. IVF is one the most popular and effective used treatments that has a reasonable amount of success rate can help many of these couples to have a baby and be happy. Frozen embryos or cryopreservation can be used when a cycle of IVF produces more high-quality embryos than she wants to transfer during the cycle. The embryos are then frozen and kept in special laboratories for future use. If a patient is undergoing fertility treatment for a serious illness or cancer they should consider freezing embryos for future pregnancy attempts. The most important thing for patients to know is that the use of frozen embryos is totally safe. In many countries, the costs of infertility treatments are beyond the budget of the couple. But it may be easier to compare different clinics and offers abroad, to find the best option with more affordable services. Our country clinics with high technology and more affordable services have helped many couples to have a baby.

Recommended for

  • Couples who want to have other babies with IVF or wants to try implantations again without going to the whole procedure again
  • People who have been trying unsuccessfully to conceive by natural means for at least one year.
  • Adults with overall good health and realistic expectations
  • It’s better for the mother to be under 40 years old

Fet Instructions

Before FET

The doctor will examine the uterus by ultrasound, which uses high-frequency sound waves to create an image of it. The doctor may also insert a scope through the vagina to the uterus. These tests can reveal the health of uterus and help the doctor determine the best way to implant the embryos. The total amount of medication is far less than that given in a fresh IVF cycle. After the medications, the doctor will again perform an ultrasound right before the transfer. It’s important for the doctor to know the parent’s full medical history and control their medications.

During FET

Five steps of IVF involve stimulation, egg retrieval, insemination, embryo culture and transfer. For FET, the only step transfers. First, the embryo will be prepared in the lab. When the embryos are big enough, they will be implanted through a thin tube called a catheter in the uterus. Pregnancy occurs when the embryo implants itself in the uterine wall which takes around 6 to 10 days.


Pregnant women should be monitored by a professional doctor during the whole pregnancy process and the doctor will give the couple all the advice that they will need.

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